Personal Tax Preparation

Personal Tax Preparation

Too many people wait until April to start thinking about their tax returns. This procrastination often results in tax problems, such as late payments, inaccurate returns, audits and tax debt. Failing to plan ahead for tax time may also cause you to pay more taxes than you need to. For this reason, it’s important to engage in tax planning throughout the year. However, tax planning can be overwhelming and time-consuming, especially if you have a complicated financial situation.

Espinal Business Services can provide the tax planning services you need to ensure that your taxes are accurate. We understand all of the IRS’ complicated tax rules and regulations, and we are always up-to-date on any changes to IRS policy that may affect you.

Preparing your own income tax return can be a task that leaves you with more questions than answers. According to a study released by the US Government’s General Accounting Office last year, most taxpayers (77% of 71 million taxpayers) believe they benefited from using a professional tax preparer.

Whether we like it or not, today’s tax laws are so complicated that filing a relatively simple return can be confusing. It is just too easy to overlook deductions and credits to which you are entitled. Even if you use a computer software program there’s no substitute for the assistance of an experienced tax professional.


Here’s what you get:

  • Your tax return will be checked and rechecked to identify potential problems.
  • Your tax return can be filed electronically so you will get a refund back quicker.
  • Our staff can show you how to adjust your payroll withholding to get more money back each week.
    Why give the IRS an interest free loan for up to 16 months?
  • We will show you potential deductions to limit your tax liability for next year. In addition, we will advise you of commonly overlooked deductions to limit the following year’s tax liability.